Aitor Maiztegui

Basque Ambassador


Aitor Maiztegui from Bilbao in the Basque Country discovered his calling in gastronomy during a trip to London in 2009 where his initial foray into the world of wine began. After immersing himself in the London culinary scene for four years, Aitor returned to Spain, where he undertook a master's degree in sommelier and enomarketing in San Sebastien. While working as both a waiter and sommelier assistant at the esteemed Akelarre, under the guidance of three-Michelin star Chef Pedro Subijana, Aitor honed his skills in both theory and practice. Upon completing his studies, Aitor moved to Madrid where he embarked on another prestigious sommelier master's programme while showcasing his expertise in various Michelin-starred establishments across the Spanish capital. He then went on to spearhead a new venture as head sommelier for the Azurmendi Group, collaborating with the acclaimed Chef Eneko Atxa, holder of five Michelin stars. At Azurmendi, a three-star Michelin restaurant, Aitor now curates a diverse range of wine experiences. He has a special enthusiasm for sparkling wines and has collaborated with the Melendo Champagne Guide since 2019. However, Aitor's greatest passion is being on the restaurant floor, interacting with guests and introducing them to exceptional wines and regions, with the ultimate aim of keeping them happy.

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