Baste Taberna

Wine Bar

Bilbao, Spain

About Baste Taberna

Baste Taberna is a small, family-run establishment owned by the Cardoso brothers and located in the town of Romo (Las Arenas). They take care of the details in a relaxed, casual atmosphere with good music. They offer a wine list with more than 250 references where they highlight the wines of the region, looking for more modern styles of wine with an important selection of the "new Rioja".

You will also have the option of tasting a selection of more than 40 wines by the glass, with a lot of different and surprising wines, selected by the hand of the Cardoso brothers, sommeliers with a lot of knowledge and empathy. Their cuisine is based on seasonal and local products from small producers in the region.

Great for

  • By the glass

Wine team

  • AC
    Adrian Cardoso

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