Salitre Restaurant

Fine Dining Restaurant

Bilbao, Spain

About Salitre Restaurant

Salitre Restaurant is located in the centre of Bilbao. It offers traditional gastronomy from a very personal view, which makes you feel the traditional flavours in surprising and innovative dishes. Bringing the most delicate flavours to the most demanding palates. The space offers an intimate dining room to enjoy a good dinner.

The wine list holds more than 300 recognised national and international references, taking advantage of the great moment that Spanish wine is experiencing, and surprising with the whims of small producers. Ander Fernandez is the person in charge of managing the room and the world of wine, and the list includes wines from the most important regions of Spain and new areas with great projection. Let yourself be carried away by his advice and learn more about each wine through his know-how.

Great for

  • Spanish wines

Wine team

  • AFA
    Ander Fernandez Ayo
    Head Sommeiler

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