Spain and Florida/Miami join Star Wine List tour of wine list celebrations

Krister Bengtsson
Published 27-June-2024

It is time to announce the new 2024/2025 tour of Star Wine List of the Year! The celebrations start in Denmark on 2 September and then will go to destinations around the world until June next year. Spain and Florida/Miami will join the tour for the first time.

"The excitement around our wine list awards this past year has been amazing. We can't wait to get back on the road and celebrate the great work that sommeliers are doing throughout the world today," said Krister Bengtsson, founder and publisher of Star Wine List

Star Wine List of the Year is the wine list awards created by Star Wine List. With a jury panel of top international sommeliers and wine experts - it is fair to say the awards have set a new standard in the world of wine and restaurants.

The first event was held in Sweden in 2018. The recent international final of the 2023/2024 tour was the 51st wine list awards to be held by the guide. Read about the recent winners here.

2024 International final all the winners on stage. Photo Stefan Bohlin.

Mark these dates and attention sommeliers! Start working on your wine programs!

"Do check back regularly and sign up to our newsletter. We are in discussions about some very exciting additions to this schedule, not least in Asia," says Krister Bengtsson. The free newsletter signup here.

• 2 Sep, Denmark, in Copenhagen
• 15 Sep, Baltics (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania), in Riga
• 13 Oct, Norway, in Oslo
• 15 Oct, Ireland, in Waterford
• 17 Nov, Belgium
• 9 Dec, UAE in Dubai
• Date to be decided: International Open, as a digital event

New! 3-5 Feb, Spain in Barcelona
• 10-12 Feb, France in Paris
• 3 March, UK in London
• 17 March, Finland in Helsinki
• 31 March, Sweden in Stockholm
• 5 May, New York in New York City
New! 7-8 May, Florida/Miami
• 27-29 May, Asia, in Singapore
• 16 June, International Final, location to be decided
• Dates to be decided: Germany, Switzerland and Austria

Dates and destinations may change

Vishvas Sidana, Haoma in Bangkok, winner of the 2024 International Grand Prix. Flanked by Reeze Choi and Krister Bengtsson. Photo Ray Leungh.


International categories - categories that are held throughout the tour:

• Best Long List (more than 600 references)
• Best Medium-Sized List (200-600 references)
• Best Short List (less than 200 references)
• Best Newcomer List
• Best By the Glass List
• Best Sparkling Wine List
• Sustainable Wine List
• Grand Prix (the best wine list overall – will be chosen from the winners of Long, Medium and Short wine list categories)

Recurring categories - categories that will be held several times during the year:

• New: Best Austrian By the Glass List
• New: Best Spirits List
• Best California Wine List

In addition to the above, other categories will be added to some events.

Jury and criteria

The juries for each award celebration is formed by of a selection of our international jury panel and may also include local wine experts.

The criteria for the jury is straightforward but not simple: vote for the most exciting wine list representing the category.

Recurring jury members Heidi Mäkinen MW, Reeze Choi, Pascaline Lepeltier, Julie Dupouy-Young.

The international jury panel is filled with esteemed wine names:

Rajat Parr, Author, Sommelier, Winemaker
Paz Levinson, Best Sommelier of Argentina and the Americas
Véronique Rivest, Best Sommelier of Canada and The Americas
Arvid Rosengren, 2016 Best Sommelier of the World
Marc Almert, 2019 Best Sommelier of the World
Pascaline Lepeltier, 2018 Best Sommelier of France
Heidi Mäkinen MW
Piotr Pietras MS
Raimonds Tomsons, 2023 Best Sommelier of the World
Julie Dupouy, Best Sommelier of Ireland three times
Salvatore Castano, 2021 Best Sommelier of Europe
Doug Frost MW, MS


The Star Wine List of the Year Awards have become a great way for wine producers and other organisations to connect with sommeliers and wine professionals around the world. No need to take our word for it - listen to a few of our recurring great partners:

"There is really no better way to meet so many working sommeliers in different types of restaurants around the world as with Star Wine List," said Oliver Chramosta of The Austrian Wine Marketing Board.

Sveccha Kumar pouring Nyetimber at the 2024 UAE awards. Photo Le-Roy Boucher.

"I attended my first Star Wine List of the Year event in London two years ago. It was a great event, but quite small and intimate. It is amazing how Star Wine List has increased its visibility and importance in the sommelier community. Today, winning a Gold Star is really prestigious, people are very proud," said Karl Thögersen, Head of Sales International Nyetimber.

If your organisation wishes to connect with some of the best audiences in the wine world - contact us for more info at

More information to follow – be sure to save the dates and sign up for our newsletter to get the latest information.

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