Hotel Marina

Casual Dining Restaurant, Hotel

Izola, Slovenia

Hotel Marina Wine List

About Hotel Marina

The Slovenian coast becomes overrun by tourists in the summertime. As you wander the charming, picturesque Venetian-style coastal towns, it's not easy to escape the smell of fried calamari emanating from numerous very basic establishments, some call them tourist traps. However, Hotel Marina stands apart, thankfully. It's dedicated to offering the best that the Adriatic Sea has to offer. You won't find 15 components on the plates of Chef Ivica Evačić – Ivek; instead, the philosophy of the house is "less is more."

The wine list extensively covers the Primorska wine region, including many renowned international labels. However, a trip to Istria wouldn't be complete without trying the local Malvazija Istriana, the queen of Istria, in all the styles this versatile grape variety can offer, alongside Refošk, the king.

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  • AK
    Andrej Kurež

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