Atoir Maiztegi on Bilbao: "Restaurants and bars are opting for more original wine lists”

Andreas Grube
Published 27-June-2024
Interview / Bilbao

Recently Star Wine List launched a guide to the best wine bars and wine restaurants in Bilbao. The guide was created by Star Wine List’s Basque country ambassador, Aitor Maiztegui.

“It is really exciting that Star Wine list opens its borders in the region of Bizkaia (Bilbao, Basque Country). It is a region with a great gastronomic culture where we can find a diversity of local products with an infinite variety of bars and restaurants," said Aitor.

How would you describe the dining and drinking scene in Bilbao at the moment?
"I think this is a region that is gradually growing in terms of wine. More and more restaurants and bars are opting for more original wine lists, with a greater diversity of regions and producers."

How much has changed in recent years and what have been the biggest changes?
"I believe that there has been a great evolution in the wines of the region. We are in a txakoli producing area and for some years now there has been a great commitment to more gastronomic txakolis, looking for different styles and elaborations. I believe that in this aspect there has been a very positive evolution."

What are the emerging drinking trends you are seeing?
"The most consumed drink is beer, but little by little wine is becoming more and more important, especially among young people."

What wines, styles, countries and regions are most in demand?
"The most consumed wines are the txakolis, both whites and reds. We have also seen a great influence with Rioja, due to its proximity and its importance as a region."

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