Cork Wine Bar

Wine Bar

Bilbao, Spain

About Cork Wine Bar

Located on Licenciado Pozas, or just Pozas as this street of bars and pintxos restaurants is popularly known as, Cork is a small establishment specialising in wines, with 80 references of wines by the glass and more than 300 references by the bottle, in continuous rotation. The careful selection of wines, mostly focused on natural wines with low intervention, is closely linked to the professionalism and experience of Jonathan Hernando, sommelier and captain of Cork Wine Bar since its inauguration more than 10 years ago.

At Cork, you can enjoy great wines from Jerez, Jura, Loire, Burgundy or Champagne as well as national wines from the most innovative wineries and non-traditional styles. On the wine list, you will find "the wines that we enjoy to drink", there is no other way to express it. You can quench your thirst, recognise the personality of the producer, of the terroir, and pair them with dishes that mix freshness and tradition.

Great for

  • By the glass
  • Natural wines

Wine team

  • JH
    Jonatan Hernando
    Sommelier, owner

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