Mina restaurant

Fine Dining Restaurant

Bilbao, Spain

About Mina restaurant

Mina is a restaurant located in the heart of Bilbao, awarded with one Michelin Star. They offer two tasting menus, one short and one long, giving value to local produce but without closing the doors to quality products from other countries to enrich its avant-garde cuisine even more.

The wine cellar is run with great care by Italian sommelier Davide Dall'Amico, who aims to bring the concern of dedicated vignerons that produce wines full of terroir and personality. The list holds wines from the most important wine-producing countries, giving value to the wines of the land.

Great for

  • Tasting menu

Mina restaurant awards

  • 1 Michelin Star 1 Michelin Star

Wine team

  • DD
    Davide Dall´Amico
    Head Sommeiler

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