Azurmendi Restaurant

Fine Dining Restaurant

Bilbao, Spain

About Azurmendi Restaurant

The Azurmendi restaurant, located in a unique natural setting at the heart of Bizkaia, is one of the most awarded restaurants in the world. Home of the renowned Chef Eneko Atxa, it has three Michelin stars and was the best sustainable restaurant in 2019. The philosophy of this restaurant is closely linked to sustainability, local products and producers, giving great importance to Basque roots and tradition.

Its cuisine stands out for its great flavour, beauty and subtlety in each dish. At Azurmendi you can enjoy the beauty and environment of the Basque Country, offering a unique experience by visiting different parts of the restaurant. From being welcomed with a txakoli in a garden surrounded by trees of the environment to the neuralgic space that would be the kitchen and ending before going to the dining room through a magical garden of flowers. In each space, the customers will be able to enjoy different snacks.

As for the wine list, there are 900 wine references from all over the world, giving great importance to the wines of the region, especially old Riojas where you can find key vintages from top producers. It is worth mentioning that they have a great Dom Perignon experience table, where the sommelier team will introduce you to a memorable tasting menu and a selection of the greatest vintages of Dom Perignon.

Editor's Note: Our ambassador Aitor Maiztegui is also the Head Sommelier at Azurmendi Restaurant.

Great for

  • Local Wines
  • Natural wines

Azurmendi Restaurant awards

  • 3 Michelin Stars 3 Michelin Stars

Wine team

  • AM
    Aitor Maiztegui
    Head Sommeiler

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