Garena Restaurant

Fine Dining Restaurant

Bilbao, Spain

About Garena Restaurant

Garena Restaurant is a farmhouse located in the magical enclave of the Arratia Valley (Dima). Here, you can enjoy the cuisine of grandmothers and the culture of the farmhouse, in which you can savour a gastronomic journey into the past, based on and recovering traditional recipes, taking care of the environment and everything surrounding it. Among its awards is the much-desired Michelin Star.

They have three different tasting menus, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs. To accompany you on this gastronomic journey, we have Miguel Lopez, a Galician sommelier with deep roots in his land and a large representation of Galician wines on his wine list. With each of the menus, you can enjoy a good selection of pairings of local, national and international wines.

As for the wine list, it holds a selection of 300 references from all over the world, paying special attention to the most exclusive vintages.

Great for

  • Wine pairing

Garena Restaurant awards

  • 1 Michelin Star 1 Michelin Star

Wine team

  • MLM
    Miguel Lopez Mendez
    Head Sommelier

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