Txispa Restaurant

Fine Dining Restaurant

Bilbao, Spain

About Txispa Restaurant

Txispa Restaurant, located on the slopes of the Atxondo Valley (Bizkaia), offers a unique gastronomic journey where you will discover the excellence of Basque-Japanese cuisine. The food is prepared with seasonal garden produce and gives importance to the grill in a farmhouse with four centuries of history.

They have a single tasting menu for only six tables where all diners start at the same time, and the chef himself, Tetsuro Maeda, welcomes guests with an appetizer and explains all the dishes. For this menu, his team of sommeliers has designed a millimetre-precise wine pairing as well as an impressive wine list with more than 350 references, focusing on French wines, with vintages and collector's labels that are very difficult to obtain.

Great for

  • Wine pairing

Txispa Restaurant awards

  • 1 Michelin Star 1 Michelin Star

Wine team

  • TM
    Tetsuro Maeda

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