Casa Garras

Casual Dining Restaurant

Bilbao, Spain

About Casa Garras

Casa Garras is a small family business founded by Pilar Tejera and Bernardino Lamosas more than 45 years ago. Located in the Carranza Valley, this family restaurant offers two alternatives when it comes to good food: A traditional menu consisting of beans and T-Bone steak from Carranza, or a tasting menu with a much more modern and avant-garde point of view.

Pilar Tejera is responsible for an extensive wine list that is alive and constantly evolving. Pilar, a renowned winemaker who has worked in several prestigious wineries, has collected a wine list full of jewels, curiosities and novelties from all over the world. One of the most amusing things is that the wine list itself is the actual wine cellar, where you can go and choose the bottle you like the most with Pilar's advice.

Great for

  • Family friendly

Wine team

  • PL
    Pilar Lamosas
    Manager, Sommelier

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