Remenetxe Restaurant

Casual Dining Restaurant

Bilbao, Spain

About Remenetxe Restaurant

Located in the municipality of Muxika (Bizkaia), Remenetxe Restaurant is a family farmhouse where wine and the traditional food of the Basque Country go hand in hand. The venue has since 1987 been managed by Jon Andoni Rementeria, crowned Sommelier Champion of Spain 2018, and his sister Iratxe Rementeria.

The underground cellar holds more than 1,500 references and over 23,000 bottles from more than 28 countries, where you can see all the bottles as if it were a museum. The cellar has sections for national and international wines, as well as sparkling wines. It also has an exclusive section for Rioja.

Great for

  • Rioja

Wine team

  • JAR
    Jon Andoni Rementeria
    Owner, Head Sommelier

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