Elkano Restaurant

Casual Dining Restaurant

Getaria, Spain

About Elkano Restaurant

One of the best seafood restaurants in the world, the one-star Elkano Restaurant was founded back in 1964 by Pedro Arregi. It specialises in grilled fish and seafood of the highest order, cutting and boning each piece in front of the customer with the mastery of the current owner Aitor Arregi, which has helped secure its place on the prestigious list of the 50 best restaurants. Located in Getaria, a village on the Cantabrian coast a few kilometers from San Sebastian, it enjoys a long maritime history, and is also an important wine producing region for Atlantic white wines. Elkano’s list, overseen by sommelier Nico Boise, is heavily weighted in favour of white and sparkling wines, with particular importance granted to local varieties such as txakolis (a regional white wine). The list also includes some great sparkling, white and red wines from the rest of the world, with a particularly strong representation from France.

Wine team

  • N
    Head Sommeiler

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