Alchemist in Copenhagen won Best Sparkling Wine List in the International Final

Heidi Mäkinen MW, Jury member; Krister Bengtsson, Star Wine List; Enrico Robitzki, Alchemist; Karl Thögersen, Nyetimber; Christopher Kok, Alchemist; Liora Levi, Star Wine List. Photo by Stefan Bohlin.
Andreas Grube
Published 24-June-2024

Alchemist in Copenhagen, Denmark, has the world's Best Sparkling Wine List. When Star Wine List of the Year International Final – with finalists from 20 countries present – was celebrated in Stockholm on June 24, the restaurant won a Gold Star in the sparkling category. The category was presented by Nyetimber.

"That was not expected at all, but now it all makes sense that we spent all that time during the pandemic in the wine cellar, listing desgoregement dates and all. Now we have 10,000 bottles in the cellar, and that is all we have room for. Thank you to the team, and to our wine director Nina Højgaard Jensen. We have all worked really hard on this wine list," said Head Sommelier Christopher Kok when receiving the diploma on stage at the live event at Skyddsrummet in Stockholm.

"An amazing and well thought through offer of sparkling wines, mainly from Champagne, but even with some local sparkling wines in the mix. The vintages (of sparkling!) span half a century, and offer a broad selection both of the Grande Marques but also smaller producers, carefully selected by the Wine Director, who is an inspiration to many sommeliers around the globe," said jury member Marc Almert about the winning list. He continued:

"It should also be mentioned that despite the list’s length, the guests can look into the disgorgement dates of the wines prior to ordering their selected bubbles. Santé!"

(Photo courtesy of Alchemist)

Alchemist in Refshaleøen in Copenhagen is awarded with two Michelin stars, and here you are dining under a dome which changes as long as the evening moves along. The dining experience takes you through 50 different servings, and the wine list "covers most wines you will ever dream off", according to Star Wine List's ambassador Rasmus Lunkov Marquart.

The restaurant has won several Star Winer List of the Year Gold Stars over the years, including the prestigious International Grand Prix 2023.

The Silver Star winners in the sparkling category were:

Culture Wine Bar, Cape Town, South Africa
Skigaarden, Hemsedal, Norway
64 Wine, Glasthule, Ireland
Restaurant Sans Cravate, Bruges, Belgium
Barents, Riga, Latvia
Time to Wine Rotermanni, Tallinn, Estonia
Restaurant Pacai, Vilnius, Lithuania
Chin Chin wine bar, Tallinn, Estonia
Al Muntaha, Burj Al Arab, Dubai, UAE
Le Wine Bar by Le Vintage, Reims, France
Les 110 de Taillevent, London, UK
Blue Hill at Stone Barns, Pocantico Hills, New York, US
Operakällaren, Stockholm, Sweden
Palace, Helsinki, Finland
Ristorante del Lago, Bagno di Romagna, Italy
Grapes Weinbar, Munich, Germany
Restaurant Amador, Vienna, Austria
The Chedi Andermatt, Andermatt, Switzerland
Ensue, Shenzhen

The Star Wine List of the Year tour 2023-2024 started in South Africa in September 2023 and has passed through Asia, Europe and North America on its way to the final Stockholm. All in all, 14 events have been held, from Hong Kong to New York and Dubai to Vienna.

Finalists from 20 countries – from some of the most renowned restaurants in the world – and well over 100 international guests travelled to Stockholm to be a part of the celebration on June 24. The awards in Stockholm was held during a full-day event for finalists, partners and media. Wine lovers from around the world could join the live-streamed event on Star Wine List’s Facebook page.


The jury panel.

The jury of our international final was filled with sommelier champions:

• Salvatore Castano, ASI Best Sommelier of Europe and Africa

• Arvid Rosengren, ASI Best Sommelier of the World
• Marc Almert, Asi Best Sommelier of the World
• Heidi Mäkinen MW

”Overall, we were presented with incredible wine lists to evaluate, each demonstrating an impressive level of quality. The high standard across the board made our task particularly challenging, as each list brought something unique and outstanding to the table, reflecting the passion and expertise of their curators,” said Salvatore Castano of the jury work.

Categories and criteria

Star Wine List's jury evaluates the wine lists in several categories such as the Best Sparkling Wine List and Best By the Glass List. The criteria for the jury are straightforward but not simple: Vote for the most exciting wine list representing the category.

Read about the terms and how Star Wine List judges the wine lists here.

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English sparkling producer Nyetimber is the leading producer of sparkling wine in the country.


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