GRAPES Weinbar

Wine Bar

Munich, Germany

GRAPES Weinbar Wine List

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About GRAPES Weinbar

When it comes to location, Grapes is tough to beat as it‘s smack in the middle of Old Town Munich. Wine list is extensive, and prices are fair. The bar is always packed and bustling, a great ambience. If you go there on Mondays, you’ll find a lot of people from the industry sharing bottles and stories.

The wine list has lately shifted, a focus on Natural wines is the new development, and the friendly staff are always eager to guide the guest through an evening by the glass or bottle.

GRAPES Weinbar Food Menu

Great for

  • Austrian wines
  • Central location
  • Champagne
  • Drinks & a light bite
  • Open after midnight

More recommendations

  • This wine list has grown over the years into a very exciting, well-presented, well-curated and considered list. This prize is the result of hard work paying off. Well done! said jury member Manu Rosier about the gold for Best Long List in 2024.

  • This is a comprehensive wine bible. The wine selection is from all different continents, and even includes Asian wine. Most importantly: the clear layout and the well-organised arrangement on the wine list format and design, everyone can easily find their favourite bottle from such a long list, said the jury's Reeze Choi about the Grand Prix winning list.

  • What is great about the winning wine list is that it pays equal respect to both champagnes and other international sparkling wines with carefully made choices. One can enjoy an exclusive bottle of a collector champagne, opt for a pet-nat from up and coming producer, or choose anything in between, said the jury's Heidi Mäkinen MW about the gold for Best Sparkling Wine List 2024.

Star Wine List Of The Year

Wine team

  • BG
    Bernd Großschädl
  • CA
    Christos Alexiou
    Wine Crew
  • TG
    Tal Groinen
    Wine Crew
  • SA
    Shubham Aggarwal
    Wine Crew
  • CD
    Charlott Darius
    Wine Crew

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