Grapes Weinbar won Gold Star for best wine list overall in Germany, Austria and Switzerland

Bernd Großschädl of Grapes Weinbar with the Gold Star, surrounded by jury and hosts of Premium Estates of Austria, in Vienna. Photo Anna Stöcher.
Andreas Grube
Published 25-May-2024

On May 25, Star Wine List came to Vienna and celebrated the best wine lists of Germany, Austria and Switzerland and the teams behind them. The international crowd was buzzing at the Burgtheater and Vestibul restaurant.

Grapes Weinbar in Munich, Germany, was a big winner with Gold Stars in no less than three categories, including Grand Prix for best wine list overall. The category was presented by Premium Estates of Austria.

"This is a comprehensive wine bible. The wine selection is from all different continents, and even included Asian wine. Most importantly: the clear layout and the well-organised arrangement on the wine list format and design, everyone can easily find their favourite bottle from such a long list," said the jury's Reeze Choi about the winning list.

"Thank you, it's an honour, I did not expect us to win this and we are very grateful," said Bernd Großschädl of Grapes Weinbar.

Grapes Weinbar, located right in the middle of Old Town Munich, won a Gold Star already back in 2021 when Star Wine List of the Year Germany was celebrated. Then the restaurant won the category Austrian Wine List of the Year.


The jury for the first ever combined Star Wine List of the Year competition for Germany, Austria and Switzerland consisted of:

The jury panel.

• Heidi Mäkinen, Master of Wine
• Manu Rosier, Star Wine List ambassador in Berlin
• Véronique Rivest, top Canadian sommelier
• Reeze Choi, third Best Sommelier of the World 2023 (ASI)

Categories and criteria

Star Wine List judges the wine lists in several categories such as the Best Sparkling Wine List and Best By the Glass List. These categories are the same across all of the awards. In addition, local categories may be added. We have commercial partners for certain categories, such as the Best Austrian Wine List, presented by Austrian Wine. The commercial partners are, however, never involved in the selections of finalists or winners — that is completely up to our independent jury panel.

The criteria for the jury are straightforward but not simple: Vote for the most exciting wine list representing the category.

The winners in the international categories will qualify for our International Final in June 2024, where they will face off with the category winners from other countries and continents.

Read about the terms and how Star Wine List judges the wine lists here.

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Premium Estates of Austria

Read more about Premium Estates of Austria here.


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