The Chedi Andermatt

Restaurant, Hotel

Andermatt, Switzerland

The Chedi Andermatt Wine List

About The Chedi Andermatt

The Restaurant at The Chedi Andermatt was the winner of Grand Prix in Star Wine List of the Year Switzerland 2021.

”This list has the best sake selection in all of Europe. But of course, in this category we're looking for a list that covers all the aspects – width, depth, originality, vintages and value – and this one delivers on every aspect. If you love classics like Champagne, Bordeaux, Burgundy, Italy, Spain and Portugal, you can find it all, but it also has some more trendy, up and coming, countries like Hungary, Slovenia and Greece. A very complete list,” jury member Raimonds Tomsons said about The Chedi Andermatt winning the Grand Prix.

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  • A very complete list with a strong focus on Champagne. Many sparkling wines from around the world are also featured, making it all the more attractive, said jury member Manu Rosier about the gold for Best Sparkling Wine List 2024.

Star Wine List Of The Year

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