
Fine Dining Restaurant

Shenzhen, Greater China

Ensue Wine List

About Ensue

Ensue is one of the early pioneers of the fine-dining restaurant scene in Shenzhen and the first of the city's restaurants to make a name for itself on the international stage. As an enthusiastic advocate of Chinese ingredients, it proudly showcases the high quality of locally sourced produce using Western cooking techniques.

The award-winning wine selection is sophisticated and consists of more than 700 bottles covering most wine regions. If you are looking for a decent place to enjoy a nice bottle of wine on its own, the lounge upstairs, Alcove, offers the same wine list as Ensue and would be a perfect place to go.

Editor's note: Della Tang, Star Wine List ambassador for Shenzhen, formerly worked as group sommelier for Ensue.

More recommendations

  • Firmly rooted in Champagne, Ensue exhibits a deep and diverse list that will leave no bubbly lover wanting, says jury member Arvid Rosengren about the gold for Best Sparkling Wine List 2023

  • The sparkling wines on this list are very international and carefully chosen to excite the guests. The broad champagne selection pays respect to the established houses, acknowledges the leading names of grower champagnes, and introduces new up and coming names, said jury member Heidi Mäkinen when Ensue won gold 2024.

Star Wine List Of The Year

Wine team

  • DW
    Danni Wang
    Assistant Head Sommelier

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