PM & Vänner won Grand Prix 2022 – and four other categories in Sweden

PM & Vänner (Photo: Stefan Bohlin)

On Apr. 3, the fourth edition of Star Wine List of the Year Sweden was held in Stockholm. PM & Vänner in Växjö won five of the thirteen categories, including the prestigious Grand Prix, recognizing Sweden’s best wine list with more than 600 references.

"The French would describe the majority of this list as 'prêt à boire', ready to drink. My sommelier heart beats faster when I see so many verticals of regions not only in Europe, but also from overseas. Definitely one of the most consistent lists we see with both depth and breadth, highlighting dedication and passion of sommelier teams for now thirty years!" says jury member Marc Almert, Best Sommelier of the World 2019, about the winning wine list.

PM & Vänner also won the categories Best Sparkling Wine List, Best Rhône Wine List, Best Italian Wine List and Best Sherry List.

"We are deeply honoured to win this prize. It shows that we are on the right path, that we are doing something good. The team of sommeliers we have are amazing in showing and implementing the wines, we have something that we are really proud of," said Per Bengtsson, one of the founders of PM & Vänner, on stage in Stockholm.

”Perenially the favorite. But they don't seem to be resting on their laurels,” says the jury’s Arvid Rosengren, Best Sommelier of the World 2016.

The silver medalists in the Grand Prix category were:
Djuret, Stockholm
Grand Hôtel, Stockholm
Hörte Brygga, Skivarp
Operakällaren, Stockholm
Restaurang AG, Stockholm

In the jury for Star Wine List of the Year Sweden this year, we had some of the best and most well-renowned wine professionals in the world:

Marc Almert.

Rajat Parr: winemaker, sommelier and author
Julie Dupouy: Best Sommelier of Ireland three times
Arvid Rosengren: Best Sommelier of the World 2016
Marc Almert: Best Sommelier of the World 2019
Paz Levinson: Best Sommelier of Argentina and the Americas.

Read more about how we judge Star Wine List of the Year here.

Published 03-April-2022
News / Sweden

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