The winner of Austrian Wine List 2020 is Heaven 23

Heaven 23 in Gothenburg has the best Austrian wine list in Sweden and received the gold diploma in the category Austrian Wine List in Star Wine List of the Year Sweden 2020, presented by Austrian Wine.

”We started this project back in 2006, focusing​ on Austrian wines, and we have never changed our minds since then. There are so many great wines in Austria, so why stop,” says Head Sommelier Andreas Hiller.

Jury member Marc Almert, reigning sommelier champion of the world, says this about the category and the winner:

”It was incredible to see the depth in styles portrayed across the wine lists, highlighting both back vintages of Niederösterreich but also the breadth of regions and new styles emerging. In this category, there was a close call for the top, but in the end the proud winner is Heaven 23! Congratulations!”

”I believe any guest who opens their wine list immediately sees the heartfelt passion for Austria as a wine country. The list highlights all regions and grapes that are on the market and demonstrates a real understanding of the current developments in Austria. Furthermore, it is fun to read, due to a good design, illustrations and personal statements,” he continues.

The silver medalists in the category are Bar Central, Djuret, Grand Hôtel, PM & Vänner and Oaxen Krog & Slip.

Published 04-May-2020
News / Sweden

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Austrian Wine

The Austrian Wine Marketing Board is based in Vienna, and is a national service body for the Austrian wine industry. The aim is to strategically support, coordinate and maintain quality and sales.


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