
Casual Dining Restaurant

Stockholm, Sweden

Voisine Wine List

About Voisine

The crew from the top and hip wine bar Folii at Södermalm has taken over the neighbouring space (hence the name voisine, neighbour in French) and opened a casual French bistro. The food is casual, French and well made. The ambiance in the little space is cosy and friendly.

About the Voisine Wine List

The wine list has grown considerably and has plenty of good choices, not least from France of course. Trust the sommeliers and if you’re lucky, there will be great bottles with age on there as well.

More recommendations

  • Sommeliers Béatrice Becher & Jonas Sandberg are together creating a unique wine experience in Stockholm. The combination on their wine list is a lovely mix from two strong sommelier personalities, Beatrice and Jonas. The wine list is based on their professionality, curiosity and a humbled concern and love for their guests, says Mischa Billing about Voisine’s winning list in Special Jury Prize 2023.

Star Wine List Of The Year

Wine team

  • Jonas Sandberg
  • Beatrice Becher

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