Nordic sommelier duo kicks off consulting business

Béatrice Becher and Jonas Sandberg.
Krister Bengtsson
Published 12-April-2022
Interview / Sweden

Well-known Swedish sommeliers and restaurateurs Jonas Sandberg and Béatrice Becher, the duo behind Folii and Voisine in Stockholm, expand their business with a new company – Perpetuelle.

“In short, Perpetuelle is everything that my business partner Béatrice and I do that isn’t restaurants. We already run the wine bar Folii and our next-door bistro Voisine, so Perpetuelle is the umbrella of all we do outside those spaces. Our main focus right now is building and managing wine cellars for private collectors, hosting wine-related events and tastings. Still, over time we’ll expand into other areas as well,” says Jonas Sandberg.

Perpetuelle as an idea actually came to life even before the pandemic

You already run Folii, Voisine and La Paulée Nordic – did you have too much free time!?
“Haha yeah, I guess… Perpetuelle as an idea actually came to life even before the pandemic, but now we felt it was a smart move to put resources into expanding into this new area. Mainly to diversify our business area during a volatile time but is also felt like a natural step with the vast network we already have.”

How has it been for Folii and Voisine during, and by the end of, the pandemic?
“Frankly, a lot better than I thought it would. We’re a small and very resilient team, and our regulars and customers have been immensely supportive throughout these past two years. Personally, the hardest part was the complete uncertainty of the whole thing and worrying about staff and the future of our business. To some extent, that’s still with me, but right now I’m just going to ignore it and push forward. That’s something I tend to do well.

Perpetuelle is the name of the duo's new consulting business.

What about La Paulée, will there be a Nordic event anytime soon?
“I sure hope so! It won’t be this year, but if the world holds together, I would think that next year might be a good guess. And if we do, it will be bigger and better for sure. When we had to cancel La Paulée Nordic in 2020, it was completely sold out, so we know that there’s a demand now more than ever.

What other plans do you have for the future?
“Well, we’re not short on ideas, but it’s a bit too early to say. But in our restaurants, we’re dedicating all of April to exploring Jura, so that’s tons of fun!”

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