

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Anchoita Wine List

About Anchoita

The brainchild of film director-pilot-and-chef Enrique Piñeyro, who―when he isn’t flying his Boeing 737 on humanitarian missions―leads Anchoita’s dynamic culinary team. Simple yet delicious contemporary Argentine cuisine is the order of the day, with lots of focus on seasons and regions. Book ahead for comfy kitchen-side bar seats at this Chacarita-based restaurant. First, order the charcuterie prepared in house and follow it up with bone-in whole grilled surubí river fish, unusual in this city of steak fans. The cheese trolley with its 110+ cheese is quite something, too. Of note it is one of the few kitchens serving until 1:00 a.m.

About the Anchoita Wine List

The extensive wine list is managed by talented sommelier Valeria Mortara, who used to lead wine affairs at the Faena Hotel in Buenos Aires. This cellar has fast become one of the finest additions to the Buenos Aires wine scene, and Valeria takes pride in sourcing vintages from small and relatively-unknown producers, as well as ageing a wide selection for vertical tasting. Of note is that all the wait staff are trained somms.

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