Bar La Sang has Spain's most Sustainable Wine List for 2025

Star Wine List’s Gabriel Lucas Dimmock and Liora Levi with Sergi Castro from Familia Torres, Lukas Daniel Lundgren and Eritrea Isabella Lundgren of Bar La Sang, and judge Ferran Centelles. Photo by @narrativaaudiovisualbcn.
Jessica Senning
Published 03-February-2025
News / Spain

Mallorca-based Bar La Sang has been awarded the Gold Star for Sustainable Wine List at the Star Wine List of the Year Awards, at Barcelona Wine Week.

At a ceremony hosted by Star Wine List's Liora Levi and Gabriel Lucas Dimmock, Bar La Sang was named the winner of the Sustainable Wine List award, for 2025.

According to judge Paz Levinson, Bar La Sang's wine list presents “a great proposal with many local wines, mostly from small producers and with a natural winemaking orientation. Spanish wines alongside great wines from outside Spain following the same philosophy. [...] Very good selection!”

The Gold Star was presented by category sponsor, Familia Torres.

[All the winners at Star Wine List of the Year Spain 2025.](post -1544)

Runners Up

Silver Stars for the Best Sustainable Wine List were awarded to:

Callizo, Huesca
El Molino de Urdániz, Pamplona
Mina Restaurant, Bilbao
Muñeca Brava, Madrid
Taberna La Montillana, Córdoba

Expert jury panel

The international jury for Spain included four top names from the wine world.

Paz Levinson, Ferran Centelles, Kathrine Larsen-Robert MS, Raimonds Tomsons.

• Paz Levinson, Best Sommelier of the Americas 2015 (ASI)
• Ferran Centelles, renowned sommelier, (El Bulli Foundation)
• Kathrine Larsen-Robert, Master Sommelier
• Raimonds Tomsons, Best Sommelier of the World 2023 (ASI)

Categories and criteria

Star Wine List judges the wine lists in several categories such as the Best Sparkling Wine List and Best By the Glass List. These categories are the same across all of the awards. In addition, local categories may be added. We have commercial partners for certain categories, such as the Best Austrian Wine List, presented by Austrian Wine. The commercial partners are, however, never involved in the selections of finalists or winners — that is completely up to our independent jury panel.

The criteria for the jury are straightforward but not simple: vote for the most exciting wine list representing the category.

The winners in the international categories will qualify for our International Final in June 2025, where they will face off with the category winners from other countries and continents.

Read about the terms and how Star Wine List judges the wine lists here.

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Read more about Familia Torres by clicking on the logo.


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