La Masía de Chencho

Casual Dining Restaurant

Elche, Spain

La Masía de Chencho Wine List

About La Masía de Chencho

If anyone knows how enthusiastic I am about Ca Pepico just outside Valencia, imagine the happiness when I was recommended a similar great wine restaurant!

La Masía de Chencho just outside Alicante is surely a fantastic find for wine enthusiasts, albeit a difficult one. You really need to know where you’re going taking a narrow dirt road off the main local roads. As you might expect, this is a place for the locals. Little English is spoken, which makes it an even more ‘true’ experience for foreigners. The setting is warm and slightly luxurious with white linen on the table and ultra-thin Spiegelau Definition stemware. Though more high-end in exposure, the staff is very warm and friendly.

The food here is extraordinary, super pure and fresh, perhaps a little salty, high in flavour intensity, but well balanced, expressive and enough but not too much complexity. In its style, one of the best places I’ve eaten on this side of the country. Tuna and anchovies you’ve never tasted before.

The wine list holds an extensive selection of both Spanish and international wines, great finds even from Australia and Argentina, but of course, the most interesting things here are the lesser-known Spanish wines. Do have a look at their aged selection of sherries for example. Oh, and don’t forget the selection of aged German Rieslings for prices you can’t even find in Germany. Service is great with staff making sure we know what we ordered (‘this is a very dry specific wine from Jerez in Andalusia’) and as said, stemware is great. Temperatures too by the way.

All in all, so great to come across this great wine find in the middle of nowhere! Now book your flight to Alicante!

Great for

  • Spanish wines

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