Bar Cicheti



Bar Cicheti Wine List

About Bar Cicheti

Bar Cicheti is the first pasta bar concept in Singapore and is situated along Singapore's foodie paradise Keong Saik Road. Bar Cicheti is a restaurant that is equally invested in its beverage program as in the food.

About the Bar Cicheti Wine List

A small but concise list with around 60-70 different labels, Bar Cicheti often focuses on seasonally released wines from smaller producers from all over the world. Though predominantly Italian, they are never afraid to pour the odd pet-nat by the glass or the orange wine from Georgia.

What’s even more interesting is that they have a blind tasting offer on the wine list where you are free to blind taste and guess the sommelier’s selection. Should you get producer, vintage, country, grape, etc, right, you will get a discount on the bottle! I love how the team puts the fun back into wine-drinking.

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  • Italian wines

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