Haoma in Bangkok has Asia’s best Sustainable Wine List

Joan Cusiné from Pares Balta presented the award. Photo Desmond Lim.

On 23 May 2023, Star Wine List celebrated the best wine lists in Asia, and the teams behind them, during Vinexpo Asia in Singapore. Haoma in Bangkok won the category Sustainable Wine List, presented by Parés Baltà.

”One of the most impressive commitments to sustainability I have seen from a chef and its team. Bravo to Haoma not only for a great, focused wine program featuring vignerons from all over the world committed to better viticulture and delicious wines, but to Chef Deepankler Khosla for creating such a remarkable restaurant and making real a true sustainability,” says jury member Pascaline Lepeltier about Haoma’s winning list.

”What Haoma is aiming, and achieving - from the sourcing to the zero-waste to the giving back - is nothing short of extraordinary - yet should inspire of all us to make such practices ordinary!”

Vishvas Sidana, food and beverage director at Haoma, says:

"We are super excited and happy to learn about winning the Sustainable category. It has been a great journey with Haoma in the past six years and we are progressing in all ways to help the local community and bring true sustainability to fine dining. I have been a fan of Pascaline Lepeltier’s work since my early days as a wine waiter and to be recognized for my work at Haoma by her and fellow jury members is nothing but a dream come true!"

The sustainable category evaluates both the venue's wine list and how they work with sustainability. The silver medalists in this category were:

Ăn Đi, Tokyo
Bar Cicheti, Singapore
Embla, Hong Kong
La Cabane, Hong Kong
Seroja , Singapore

The celebration of Star Wine List of the Year in Asia is a part of Star Wine List's international tour and the winners in the international categories in Asia will now move on to compete against the winners from many other countries in the international final in June 2023.

For our first Star Wine List of the Year Asia, we welcomed wine list entries from the markets where Star Wine List is already active: Greater China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taipei; Japan; Singapore; South Korea and Thailand.

The jury (clockwise from top left): Pascaline Lepeltier, Justin Ho Li Vern, Arvid Rosengren and Reeze Choi.


In the jury panel for Star Wine List of the Year Asia, we had four of the top sommeliers in the world:

Reeze Choi, Third Best Sommelier of the World 2023 (ASI)
Arvid Rosengren, Best Sommelier of the World 2016 (ASI)
Pascaline Lepeltier, Best Sommelier of France 2018
Justin Ho Li Vern, Best Sommelier of Malaysia 2018

The criteria for the jury are straightforward but not so simple: Vote for the most exciting wine list representing the category.

Haoma will now qualify for our International Final in June, where they will face off with the category winners from other cities and countries, such as South Africa, Australia, New York, UK and Sweden.

Read about the terms and how Star Wine List judges the wine lists here.

Published 23-May-2023

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Parés Balta

A family winery in Penedès, producing high quality organic and biodynamic wines.


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