Wijnbar Vindict

Wine Bar

Amsterdam, Netherlands

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About Wijnbar Vindict

Finally! A new and great wine bar/restaurant has opened in the north of Amsterdam. Surely there are already nice places to find in the north of the city, but this is the first to serve not just natural wines and has its main focus on wine, not food – even though the food is simple but nice. At 10 minutes walk from the central station ferry you find Wijnbar Vindict. Owned and run by sommelier Jan-Jaap Altenburg (@sommeljj on Instagram), his (business)partner Richard Dietz (who owns the city's two Vindict wine shops as well as the first Dutch wine shop BOB), Samir Doueri (also a partner in BOB and former owner of Karakter Wijnimport) and finally fellow wineshop owner Roderick Meijer. A great wine team to run a promising wine place in this newly developed part of town.

It’s great to see that in a brand new building, they created a warm and pleasant place to have a bite and a drink. Well-priced food and wine in combination with the enthusiastic hosts make it a place worth visiting. Thanks to the Vindict wine shop next door, the selection is extensive with both well-known producers from all around the world and exclusive wines from lesser-known parts of the world, like Ribeiro in Spain. Like any new place, there will of course be some development over time, but at Vindict they’re off to a great start.

Ps. For the cheese lovers: Vindict has some great cheeses, but do combine your visit with a visit to Kef cheese shop and bar just 200 meters down the road.

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