Weinstube zur Traube

Casual Dining Restaurant

Hamburg, Germany

About Weinstube zur Traube

Weinstube zur Traube is located in the heart of Hamburg Ottensen, in the west of Hamburg. When you enter this wine restaurant you will feel like you have been transported a hundred years back in a time machine. Cosy & wood-panelled with a small terrace on the sidewalk.

The food menu is small but very well-selected. They offer small bites, but also full dishes. Strong focus on produce, sustainability and classic dishes, like Pâté en croûte, entrails and oysters.

The wine list is focused on Germany, Austria and France. They always have interesting wines by the glass, like Bordeaux from the 80s and 90s. Also a good selection of beers and spirits.

Great for

  • Austrian wines
  • By the glass
  • French wines
  • German wines

Wine team

  • Kristian Haas
    Owner / sommelier

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