Shimanouchi Fujimaru Winery

Winery, Wine Bar

Osaka, Japan

Shimanouchi Fujimaru Winery Wine List

About Shimanouchi Fujimaru Winery

As the name implies, this is actually a winery: There are a few wineries in the city centre, where you can enjoy a nice meal and some natural wine while watching the work in the winery from the dining room upstairs. The food is Italian-style, using produce from all over Japan.

About the Shimanouchi Fujimaru Winery Wine List

There is an easy-to-read wine list, with a lot of Japanese wines on it (I mean, why not include their own wines?). There's also a great selection of natural wine from all around the world. The staff is all helpful and friendly, so don't hesitate to ask anything.

Great for

  • Local Wines
  • Natural wines

Wine team

  • Hiroshi Kawabata
    Sommelier, manager

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