Orzo After 8

Wine Bar

Seoul, South Korea

About Orzo After 8

Orzo After 8 is permanently closed.

Orzo After 8 is the second concept of Osteria Orzo, a pasta restaurant in Hannam-dong in Seoul. Orzo After 8 is located just across the street from the Osteria, with the idea that this is the place you go after dinner for your second round.

Orzo After 8 also serves the Osteria’s great food, with several tapas-style dishes, but the pasta, in particular, is a killer. Orzo After 8 is located on the second floor; the space has high ceilings and large dimmed windows. It is dimly lit, with both larger and smaller tables, and also spaces made for groups sitting together, making it a great spot to do gatherings and stay on until closing.

About the Orzo After 8 Wine List

The wine list diverse, with around 100 wines; both Old and New world, conventional and natural wines.

Great for

  • Open after midnight
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