Les Copains

Wine Bar

Seoul, South Korea

Les Copains Wine List

About Les Copains

Two CMS Advanced Sommeliers and Korea Sommelier of the Year Winners (Donghyuk Shin 2016 / Wooktae Han 2017) with about 20 years of experience are running the service.

More than anything else, "Les Copains" is a place where you can explore a diverse range of classic wines. It goes beyond just the region, reflecting the philosophy of the wine producers in the offerings it provides. This wine bar is dedicated to offering professional wine services that express a profound knowledge of the craft.

With a focus on the depth of experience, it's a place where you can immerse yourself in the world of wine. If you're eager to experience limited edition wines or specific vintage selections to the fullest, "Les Copains" is an excellent choice.

Star Wine List Of The Year

Wine team

  • Shin, Dong-Hyuk
    Owner / sommelier

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