
Casual Dining Restaurant

Seoul, South Korea

Cesta Wine List

About Cesta

CESTA Restaurant stands as a shining star among the rapidly rising culinary destinations in South Korea. With an impressive collection of over 600 wines on the list, they take pride in offering a wine selection that strikes a harmonious balance between quality and affordability. CESTA has experienced unprecedented growth, swiftly earning its place among the most sought-after dining establishments.

Their culinary philosophy centres around showcasing a variety of aged meats, expertly prepared using a charcoal grill. They take seasonal ingredients and interpret them with technical precision, infusing each dish with a touch of culinary artistry. The wines that the sommeliers carefully select complement the dishes, enhancing the dining experience and creating a symphony of flavours that tantalize the palate.

Cesta Food Menu

Star Wine List Of The Year

Wine team

  • LC
    Lee, Chang-Geun

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