Le Quinze Vins Singapore

Wine Bar


Le Quinze Vins Singapore Wine List

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About Le Quinze Vins Singapore

Le Quinze Vins is situated on Boon Tat Street in the central business district. It’s a really short walk for CBD oenophiles to get inebriated in the afternoon right before work ends. And where else to better do it than here?

About the Le Quinze Vins Singapore Wine List

In my opinion, this wine bar has the best French wine list in Singapore. The most comprehensive in terms of covering all wine regions of France instead of just showing off the vertical collections of prized Bordeauxs or Burgundies.

Reading the wine list here is as good as looking at the map of France, and you can find wines from regions such as Jurancon, Madiran, an exhaustive list of Jura, Savoie, Corsica, and more. I have so much fun selecting from this list that I usually show up 30 minutes before my date in order not to be too anti-social and all geeked up by it.

Le Quinze Vins Singapore Food Menu

Great for

  • French wines

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