Bistro Boheme

Fine Dining Restaurant

Copenhagen, Denmark

Bistro Boheme Wine List

Bistro Boheme Updates

About Bistro Boheme

The restaurant Bistro Boheme is one of the old traditional restaurants of Copenhagen. Owner and head chef Per Thøstesen has worked under Paul Bocuse and you will find the techniques and ideas of Bocuse in the menu. Per is a person with a big heart and well recognised by everyone. He is not only involved with the food, but also with the wine, and is a fantastic host at the same time.

About the Bistro Boheme Wine List

Just as the food is of French heritage, so is the wine list. You will find a very large and wide selection of Burgundy wines, topped up with the best of USA and some more modern producers. The Bistro Boheme wine list features some of the heaviest players in the wine market like Prieuré-Roch, Domaine Leflaive, Comte Liger-Belair, Domaine de la Romanée-Conti and many more.

Wine team

  • CGC
    Christian Gustafsson Cazón
    Head Sommelier
  • TC
    Teigh Crowley

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