Star Wine List of the Year Sweden 2022 – save the date

2018 Grand Prix winners, PM & Vänner

On April 3, we will celebrate the best wine lists in Sweden – for the fourth time. The winners will be revealed during a live event in Stockholm.

”We are extremely excited to do Star Wine List of the Year live in Sweden again with the Swedish Sommelier Association, where it all started. We know it has been a tough two years and the wine lists are not always what they used to be. But no matter that, everyone who has pushed through is worthy of a great prize. We can’t wait to meet many of you again for these awards,” says Star Wine List’s founder Krister Bengtsson.

Finalists from the 2020 Star Wine List of the Year Sweden will automatically enter the competition – everyone else has to enter by sending in their wine list to Star Wine List. The last day to send in the wine list and enter the competition is March 6. Enter here, free of charge.

Rajat Parr
Julie Dupouy
Arvid Rosengren
Marc Almert
Paz Levinson

This year the wine restaurants and wine bars in Sweden will be evaluated in these categories:


The winners in the international categories are all qualified to the international final of Star Wine List of The Year that will be held in June.

Grand Prix: Sweden’s best wine list with more than 600 references
Best Medium-Sized List: Recognizes the best list with 200-600 references
Best Short List: Recognizes the best list with up to 200 references
Best Austrian Wine List: Recognizes the best wine list with Austrian wine. The category is presented by Austrian Wine
Best By the Glass List: Recognizes the best by-the-glass list
Best Sparkling Wine List: Recognizes the best wine list with sparkling wine. The category is presented by Duval-Leroy
Special Jury Prize: Recognizes a venue that has done something extra with their wine list, such as the direction, the style or the value


The National Categories are held especially for the event in Sweden.

Best Italian Wine List: Recognizes the best list with Italian wines. Presented by Mandrarossa
Best Rhône Wine List: Recognizes the best wine list with Rhône wines. Presented byPaul Jaboulet
Best German Wine List: Recognizes the best list with German wines. Presented by Wines of Germany
Best Sherry List: Recognizes the best list with sherry. Presented by González-Byass
Best Australian Wine List: Recognizes the best list with Australian wines. Presented by d'Arenberg
Best California Wine List: Recognizes the best list with Californian wines. Presented by Wines of California

More categories might be added.

Read more about how we judge Star Wine List of the Year here.

Published 28-February-2022
News / Sweden

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