Monopole has the Best Medium-Sized List in Australia


Monopole in Sydney won the category Best Medium-Sized List when Gourmet Traveller WINE and Star Wine List teamed up to celebrate the great wine lists of Australia on Nov. 8. The category celebrates the best wine lists with 200-600 listings.

"Extensive list of French and Australian. Lots of classics ideal for the venue. Very carefully created list with a good mix of Australian and import, adventure and classics," says jury member Andrea Pritzker MW.

Zoey Brunton (left), head sommelier at Monopole, receiving the Best Medium-Sized List diploma from local jury member Andrea Pritzker MW at the GT WINE office in Sydney.

Star Wine List Awards Australia with GT WINE is part of the Star Wine List of the Year tour of wine list celebrations. The first international tour visited 10 countries and concluded with a final in May this year. On Nov. 8, Australia joined the calendar for the first time.

The winners in Australia were revealed during an online event, hosted by Star Wine List's founder and publisher Krister Bengtsson and Jacqueline Turner.

The silver medalists in this category were:
Bistecca, Sydney
Fred's, Sydney
Love Tilly Devine, Sydney

The Gidley, Sydney
Where’s Nick, Sydney

The international top sommelier for Star Wine List of the Year Australia includes:
• Arvid Rosengren, Best Sommelier of the World 2016
• Pascaline Lepeltier, Best Sommelier of France 2018
• Paz Levinson, Best Sommelier of the Americas 2015
• Véronique Rivest, Best Sommelier of the Americas 2012 and runner-up Best Sommelier of the World 2013

And, as our local judges:
• Andrea Pritzker MW, educator, consultant, wine judge.
• Jacqueline Turner, sommelier, consultant, wine writer.

Read more about how we judge Star Wine List of the Year here.

Published 08-November-2021
News / Australia

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