Lakeside, The Fontenay

Restaurant, Hotel

Hamburg, Germany

Lakeside, The Fontenay Wine List

About Lakeside, The Fontenay

The fine-dining restaurant Lakeside is located in The Fontenay Hotel by Alster Lake in the middle of downtown Hamburg. The restaurant has a very ambitious young chef, Julian Stowasser, and offers modern world cuisine with a strong focus on classic French cooking techniques. The food is elegant and beautiful.

The Lakeside offers a fabulous view of the city through the large glass dining room at the top of the hotel. The interior is clean, light, modern and intimate with the focus being the fabulous view. The restaurant offers a 7-course menu with corresponding wine pairing. The location is exactly what you want to celebrate a special occasion or just enjoy the city in style.

About the Lakeside, The Fontenay Wine List

Stefanie Hehn MS is the Chef Sommelière at The Fontenay Hotel and responsible for the wine selection at Lakeside. The wine list offers around 400 different labels and changes regularly. A strong focus on Germany, France (Burgundy & Bordeaux) and the USA, but you will also find wines from New Zealand, Chile, Portugal and many other great winemaking countries.

The wine list also has a great selection of sweet wines and a fabulous selection of large format wines, including some well-aged German Rieslings. When dining at the Lakeside, the wine paring menu is a good way to experience the craft of a great Sommelière and explore the very thoughtful wine list.

Lakeside, The Fontenay Food Menu

Great for

  • Beautiful view
  • Big bottles
  • Bordeaux
  • Burgundy
  • French
  • French wines
  • German wines
  • Riesling
  • Roof top
  • Stay over
  • US wines
  • Wine pairing

Lakeside, The Fontenay awards

  • 1 Michelin Star 1 Michelin Star

Wine team

  • SHM
    Stefanie Hehn MS
    Head Sommelier

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