De Kwartel

Restaurant, Wine Bar

The Hague, Netherlands

De Kwartel Wine List

About De Kwartel

With over 20 minutes walk through the dunes, De Kwartel is a hidden gem in the south of Hague, far away from touristy Scheveningen. Here you will find mostly locals and regulars. No designer chairs, trendy lounge sofa's or branded umbrellas here, just laid-back family-style seating. De Kwartel will make you feel at home.

After the place burnt down a few years back, crowdfunding kicked off the same day, and in no-time, the venue was rebuilt. That's how much people, primarily regulars, care about it. You would think a buzzing place like this would be on every investor's top list, but a change of management only seemed to deepen the belief in this neighbourhood beach house concept. So don't spread the word too much...

About the De Kwartel Wine List

Since their reopening in 2021, De Kwartel seems to have gotten their winelist and policy better structured. There's a decent selection on the regular menu, but also a more extensive list of wines by the bottle and by the glass. The owners' love for wine is reflected in a diverse list with things they simply like. Buying wines at various wine importers instead of limiting themselves to one or two brings depth to the list and enjoyment for wine enthousiasts. You'll find comfortable easy going Californian Cabernet and Chardonnay mixed with Montes from Chile to icons like Vouvray's Domaine Huet and an incredibly priced Condrieu Coteaux du Vernon from Vernay. Where before the staff didn't seem to knowledgeable on wine, now they know to pass wine questions to the available sommelier.

The staff is friendly, and the wine selection is extensive, so you will always find something you like. This is not the place to exhibit your fussy wine knowledge; just enjoy the place and the sun.

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