Central Park Voorburg

Restaurant, Hotel

Voorburg, Netherlands

Central Park Voorburg Wine List

About Central Park Voorburg

Joey de Kruijf began a few years ago at this great spot, a few miles from the city centre of The Hague. Joey is a passionate host and made his career in the top establishments; on top of that, he is also a great wine lover. This country house building, with national monument status, lies in a lush parkland and is surrounded by trees. There is a stunning terrace, which I find to be one of the most beautiful in the country. It also accommodates 14 elegantly decorated suites, if you would like to spend the night here.

Central Park Voorburg is profoundly connected to its surrounding terroir, not least at its gourmet restaurant, where chefs Hette Hettema and Tim Bood present refined cuisine that is both classic and modern, using seasonal, sustainable ingredients. Central Park was in 2023 adorned with its first Michelin star and the kitchen is enhanced by great wines. Yes, let's talk about the wine list. Joey set up his passion step by step to what now is a true delight and breath-taking collection of the finest bottles imaginable. All top bottles are on this list and a broad selection of Italy, Spain, Germany. There are wines at every price tag and you can find great picks at lower prices too. This wine list is well worth discovering.

Central Park Voorburg Food Menu


Corkage € 29,50

Star Wine List Of The Year

Central Park Voorburg other awards

  • 1 Michelin Star 1 Michelin Star

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