Café Savoy


Helsinki, Finland

Café Savoy Wine List

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About Café Savoy

Although it only opened in the autumn of 2022, Café Savoy has already become a classic, and it feels like the restaurant has been in one of the stone foundations of Helsinki city centre for decades. The kitchen is led by Helena Puolakka who is also responsible for the classic fine dining restaurant Savoy upstairs and who has been working for many years in great restaurants in London. The wine list focuses on classics but also features unique and interesting picks, which fit perfectly the carefully crafted, classical dishes with a solid base in French culinary art. Being one of the prime locations of Helsinki this has been a great addition to the city’s constantly developing restaurant scene.

Those who want to go serious with their wines are happy to hear some bottles can also be ordered from the vast cellar list of the upstairs restaurant.

Café Savoy Food Menu

Star Wine List Of The Year

Wine team

  • JP
    Juhana Patjas
  • HR
    Heidi Reis

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