Minne Champagne & Wine

Casual Dining Restaurant, Wine Bar

Helsinki, Finland

Minne Champagne & Wine Wine List

About Minne Champagne & Wine

Minne is a wine bar in the central spot of Helsinki, focusing mostly on champagnes but also showcasing other classic wines of the world. The wine list is curated by one of the world’s leading champagne experts and Minne regularly hosts tastings led by winemakers visiting the city.

Thanks to the Coravin system there are always several champagnes on offer by the glass and the selection changes every few weeks inviting people to revisit often. The glassware is delicate and the wine knowledge is vast. A few dishes and canapés are also available from the small kitchen to accompany the wine experience.

Great for

  • By the glass
  • Champagne

Star Wine List Of The Year

Wine team

  • EAM
    Essi Avellan MW
  • TA
    Toni Aikasalo
    Head Sommeiler

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