Bar Schwips

Restaurant, Wine Bar

Berlin, Germany

Bar Schwips Wine List

About Bar Schwips

Located between the notorious Torstrasse and Nordbahnhof in Mitte, Bar Schwips has established a new concept of hospitality: tea and wine. Weien and Jonas, your host and your sommelier are both committed to their passion for tea and wine culture and invited their guests on a culinary voyage: “Indulge yourself in complex flavours and discover exciting food pairings with just the right amount of Schwips”. On top of their well-curated selection of teas and wines, expect a warm welcome in a new hospitality way.

In all my time as a sommelier, I have never seen a wine list quite like it. You will find all the teas they offer together with their wines, listed as equals. They are constantly looking for the most exciting and best products for their guests.

The list is a snapshot because as soon as a wine is sold out, a new one follows. It’s one more reason to visit this unique concept wine bar.

Bar Schwips Food Menu

Great for

  • Hidden gem
  • Natural wines

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