Bar Cyclone

Wine Bar

Hong Kong SAR, Greater China

Bar Cyclone Wine List

About Bar Cyclone

Bar Cyclone is a wine bar located in M88, a well-known F&B building in Central. The bar provides an elegant and private place for wine lovers. With an exploratory wine list, they serve customers with their amazing and rare glassware.

The wine list contains about a hundred wines, a small but carefully selected list. You will find a lot of old vintages and rare gems on the list. They also offer a wide range of wine by the glass for customers to experience. The fun part of the wine list is that you may challenge yourself with a blind-tasting set. If you don’t know what to pick, don’t worry, the wine omakase offers you a great wine tour with a nice wine selection by the sommelier.

Note: The door bell is on the bottom left of the keypad!

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  • Simply an incredible list of wines available by the glass, from the classic to avant garde, casual to ’unobtainable’ (clearly not so!), says Arvid Rosengren about Bar Cyclone's win of Best By the Glass List 2023.

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Wine team

  • Jack Wu
    Sommelier, owner

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