Vignobles et Châteaux Wine Bar won Gold Star for Best California Wine List in France

Liora Levi, Star Wine List; Benjamin Louchez, Vignobles et Châteaux Wine Bar; Edouard Baijot, Louis M. Martini. Photo by ©StudioBaALT
Andreas Grube
Published 12-February-2024
News / France

If you're looking for som great Californian wine in Bordeaux, Vignobles et Châteaux Wine Bar in Saint Emilion is the place to go. When Star Wine List celebrated the best wine List in France on February 12, the restaurant won the category Best California Wine List, presented by Louis M. Martini.

"This wine list showcases new-wave producers from California, proving the region's relevance also in modern-day French restaurants. The compact selection is well chosen and contemporary," says jury member Heidi Mäkinen MW.

Vignobles et Châteaux Wine Bar.

Star Wine List of the Year France is included in our 2023-2024 International tour and Vignobles et Châteaux Wine Bar will now qualify for the International final in June 2024 where they will face off with the category winners from other countries and continents.

The Silver Star winners in the California category were:
5 wine bar, Toulouse
Parcelles, Paris


For the first ever Star Wine List of the Year France, we gathered a top sommelier jury:
• Pascaline Lepeltier
• Heidi Mäkinen MW
• Ronan Sayburn MS
• Jeremy Cukierman MW

Categories and criteria

Star Wine List judges the wine lists in several categories such as the Best Sparkling Wine List and Best By the Glass List. These categories are the same across all of the awards. In addition, local categories may be added. We have commercial partners for certain categories, such as the Best Austrian Wine List, presented by Austrian Wine. The commercial partners are, however, never involved in the selections of finalists or winners — that is completely up to our independent jury panel.

The criteria for the jury are straightforward but not simple: Vote for the most exciting wine list representing the category.

Read about the terms and how Star Wine List judges the wine lists here.

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Louis M. Martini

Louis M. Martini is an iconic Californian wine producer. Read more by clicking on the logo.


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