Djuce presents Sustainable Wine List award in Denmark

The new premium wine brand Djuce – that wants to take canned wine to the next level – joins the celebration of Star Wine List of the Year Denmark. Djuce is presenting the category Sustainable Wine List when the winners are revealed on Aug. 29.

"We founded Djuce because we believe there is a more sustainable way to drink great wine. Initiatives like this award category and others are key in order to celebrate the trailblazers who ultimately change all our drinking behaviour. It is therefore a very natural thing for us to engage in," says Pontus Lindqvist, co-founder and Head of Product at Djuce.

Djuce is the new wine brand that wants to reduce the wine industry's environmental impact – and at the same time take a real quality approach to canned wine. Together with a team of top international sommeliers, they are launching a series of premium vegan and sustainably grown wines. 

"More than fifty per cent of the wine's climate impact is packaging and transport, so if you are really talking about sustainability, that half is just as important as the work in the vineyard. For us, the can was the obvious choice; it is environmentally superior, exciting in size, and it can be packaged nicely, says Pontus Lindqvist.

When Star Wine List of the Year Denmark 2022 is celebrated, Djuce presents the new category Sustainable Wine List.

What do you hope your engagement in the competition will bring?

"We hope it will raise the awareness among both restaurateurs and guests about the negative impact traditional glass bottles have, and the possibility to reduce emissions wine in cans has. The perception is that canned wine doesn’t fit at a good restaurant, and until now it’s more or less been true because of the quality that existed."

"With our selection of wines, however, nothing could be more wrong. And the fact that aluminium cans are twenty-eight times more efficient to recycle in terms of emissions, twenty times lighter and twice as efficient to transport makes it impossible to ignore for any restaurant that are serious about their sustainability ambitions."

Philip Marthinsen and Pontus Lindqvist at Djuce.

What do you hope to see coming through in the competing wine lists in this category?
"We hope to see wine lists where the sommelier has adopted a more holistic approach to sustainability and made conscious decisions to minimize the impact created by the transportation and packaging. Local sourcing and organic farming is a must but we hope to see some innovative ideas on handling waste, packaging and recycling in connection to their wine offering."

What is the definition of a great wine list, in your opinion?
"Browsing through a personal list is always way more exciting than a list where you feel regions and certain producers have been ticked off a list of must-haves. It is also important that the selection and philosophy behind the selection is aligned with the overall concept and idea behind the restaurant and the food being served."

What are your general thoughts on a wine list award like Star Wine List of the Year?
"It's a great way for the industry to get together and exchange ideas and understand what's happening in other cities or countries when it comes to the ever changing wine scene. It's also a great event to celebrate the diversity within the industry since the awards are tailored in such a way that any kind of bar or restaurant can be acknowledged for their hard work, regardless the style and size of their wine list."

Published 17-August-2022
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Djuce is collaborating with a team of Michelin-starred sommeliers, they hand select stunning wines and neatly deliver them in bold cans. Why? Because the Earth is begging us to shake things up. Drink less, drink better, drink Djuce. Read more about Djuce here.


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