

Mendoza, Argentina

Ruda Wine List

About Ruda

Ruda might seem somewhat remote, but it really is in the epicenter of one of the most exciting wine regions of Argentina― the stunning location of Gualtallary. Taking full advantage of its spectacular vineyard location, this is open-air dining for a long, leisurely lunch overlooking the valley. Although there are many excellent winery restaurants in Mendoza, what’s special about Ruda is that this is not a winery restaurant, so you can explore a wide range of producers and wines while dining. Chef Gastón Trama’s seasonal menu focuses on Uco Valley ingredients and tapas-style plates packed with flavour.

Sommelier Camila Cerezo Pawlak has curated an eclectic list of mainly small producers from the Uco Valley with a focus on white, orange, and light red wines ― a welcome departure from the usual wine lists in Argentina, dominated by full-bodied reds. There are around 75 wines on offer by the bottle, while the by-the-glass pairings feature a local winery each month.

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