Restaurant Anne-Sophie Pic at Beau-Rivage Palace

Restaurant, Hotel

Lausanne, Switzerland

About Restaurant Anne-Sophie Pic at Beau-Rivage Palace

Restaurant Anne-Sophie Pic at Beau-Rivage Palace is temporarily closed.

Restaurant Anne-Sophie Pic was the winner of Best Wine List By the Glass in Star Wine List of the Year Switzerland 2021.

”It is a great list indeed. Starting with champagne, you have by the glass options not only for grower champagne, but also big houses like Krug. When it comes to reds and whites, there is a nice mix between classics and wines off the beaten track. Older vintages, fine wines, fun wines. The list also has a nice selection of fortified wine as well as sake, beer and non-alcoholic fruit wine,” said jury member Raimonds Tomsons about the winning list.

Star Wine List Of The Year

Restaurant Anne-Sophie Pic at Beau-Rivage Palace other awards

  • 2 Michelin Stars 2 Michelin Stars

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