O Boufés


Vienna, Austria

Photo credit: Gerhard Wasserbauer

O Boufés Wine List

About O Boufés

The younger, more casual brother of Konstantin Filippou, who is right next door. Filippou cultivates his Greek roots a little more here; you can have snacks and starters as well as a dinner with several courses, all at reasonable prices. The accompanying wines are off the beaten track and make the eyes of connoisseurs light up. Even regulars who have made themselves at home at O ​​Boufés are always happy to be surprised by the recommendations of the sommelier. Success is mostly guaranteed.

The O Boufés wine list is a compendium of undiscovered, as well as established, winemakers of the highest standards. Some bottles featured on the menu can also be inspected on the shelves in the basement, right next to the entrance to the kitchen.

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  • What a great wine list! Every wine is there for a reason, with a clear natural focus to the list. It simply makes you want to try them all.

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